Turning a security issue into a learning experience is part of building a great security culture.

Do you have a leader in your business who’s fallen for a phishing email? Here’s an idea...

Turn their experience into a learning experience for all staff.

All you need is a phone with a good camera and a few key questions like “so how did you feel when you realised you clicked? and “what were you doing when you clicked (hint: probably more than one thing)”.

Allow your leader to show their emotion and vulnerability.

What does say to employees when you share it with them?

It says - this can happen to anyone.

It says - it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

It says – we’re here to support you and make it right.

This transparency and leading from the top is a simple but effective way to build a great security culture.



Mindshift a finalist WIICT 2023 awards.


Mindshift wins Best Start-up / New Business award at ISANZ