Mindshift wins Best Start-up / New Business award at ISANZ

This award was a long time coming for Mindshift. Three times a finalist in the ISANZ ‘Best Start-up / New Business’ category, and finally a win for the Mindshift team!

We were proud to be a finalist in three categories at the 2022 Information Security Awards of NZ (ISANZ)

  • Best Security Project or Security Awareness Initiative for our small business cybersecurity training

  • Best New Zealand Security Service or Product for our tailored programmes of cybersecurity training

Melonie Cole, Founder of Mindshift, believes there are five key ingredients to maintaining steady growth of a new business.

1. A great team.

Mindshift is a small business but filled to the brim with people who bring their talents and energy to the work we do, every day, without fail.

2. Loyal customers.

Quite simply, without customers our business wouldn't exist. We’re delighted when we hear of our customers talking about our work with others and helping us grow by reputation.

3. A service or product people actually need.

We’ve listened to our customers and learned from them. We’ve developed our services as we’ve grown with experience and we love hearing how our training and awareness programmes give people clear information on how to live safer online lives.

4. Courage and determination

Starting a business is the easy bit! Keeping it humming requires determination! At Mindshift, we’ve stuck to what we know and are good at. We’ve built the foundation of our business on large scale training and awareness programmes for big businesses. We’ve taken those learnings and in 2022, we launched our Cyber Security Training modules for small business and we look forward to growing success in that market.

5. A strong network of supporters.

Mindshift are fortunate to have many people in the security community who welcomed our business in 2018 and have supported us ever since, with some going on to become partners. Our lesson here is that building solid relationships, based on trust and mutual understanding, takes time but perseverance can bring amazing outcomes.

We’re over the moon with the recognition this award as brought us and we look forward to a bright future, helping people live safer online lives.


Turning a security issue into a learning experience is part of building a great security culture.


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