Useful cyber safety resources
Mindshift always feel privileged when we’re asked to share our expertise with community groups.
Recently Mindshift’s Founder Melonie Cole chatted with Mapuā business people about how to keep information protected through good security practices – thank you Business Assist and the Mapua & Districts Business Association for this opportunity.
Melonie said, “being a business owner myself it’s great to connect with people who share the same worries and need for guidance.”
Cyber safety can be a daunting subject to tackle and can be very doom and gloom unless a positive spin is put on it. Creating a space where the audience feel confident to ask questions, challenge myths like ‘is it true password managers can easily get hacked” and talk about their own experience of being scammed is helpful for everyone. “You are not the first person to fall for a Marketplace scam and you won’t be the last and thank you for sharing your experience with us” can be reassuring words to someone still cautious about doing anything online.
Some key take-outs from this talk –
• When in public places, avoid using free WiFi as it isn’t secure.
• Use a password manager to store all passwords.
• Be wary of phishing scams, as more are happening via unsolicited emails and messages via mobile or links asking for personal information.
• Check email address by hovering over and also check whether the content is suspicious.
• Enable multi-factor authentication to securely login into your apps.
As Mindshift usually work with large companies and don’t often get the chance to talk with the people who do our training or see our awareness materials, getting into the community and hearing peoples’ challenges firsthand is a very grounding experience.
Some common questions from most talks we give are:
· How do we actually “back up”?
· Is it safe to use the WiFi in our local library?
· What is a password manager and which one do you recommend?
· What do I do if I click on a link in a dodgy email?
· Where can I get cyber security help from?
In response to questions about where people can get more information on why and how to make their personal lives and business information more secure, Mindshift have compiled a list of useful resources on one page.
We hope people find this useful – please stay cyber safe.