Top tips for email safety
Email is a significant part of our daily communication and a really, really big way of how we all communicate, and it’s here to stay. However, it’s easy to mistakenly share information with the wrong people or send the wrong attachments, especially when we’re in a rush. The responsibility largely falls on us, the users, to take a moment and verify everything before hitting the send button.
Before you hit send, make sure that all your attachments and links are correct. This can prevent the accidental sharing of incorrect or sensitive information. If you’re replying to an email chain, ensure that any sensitive information is removed before you send your email. This includes personal details, confidential data, or anything that the recipient doesn’t need to see.
Take a moment to review everything in your email before you send it. This includes the email body, attachments, and recipients. A quick review can save you from potential mishaps. A good practice is to add the recipient(s) only after you’ve checked that all the information in your email is correct. This can prevent accidental sends in the middle of composing your email.
Remember, staying safe online is a shared responsibility. Let’s do our part by practicing good email safety. Stay safe.