Keep information safe when travelling
Whether you’re on your usual bus commute to the office, or heading away on an overseas adventure, keeping information safe needs to be high on your travel checklist.
It’s easy to drop our guard when in unfamiliar surroundings, especially late at night or after a long flight.
Keep your phone, laptop or other devices close to you at all times, a momentary distraction could lead to theft or loss – either of which would be a very bad start to a trip.
Check your bag and pockets before leaving public places like cafes or public transport – it’s easy for a phone to slide out of your back pocket and nestle between an Uber back seat, never to be seen again.
You may need to work from a public location like a hotel, conference, or airport lounge. Keep your work conversations private and always use headphones. Be wary of people who try to engage you in friendly banter which quickly leads to asking about your work and itinerary.
We can be more susceptible to the advances of strangers when in new surroundings, especially if we’re made to feel welcome and the stranger is overly friendly.
When it comes to charging, malware or other nasties could be lurking in USB ports so always use your own power pack and an adapter – like the one in the picture above.
Keep information visible on your screen private by using a privacy screen where you can buy from and make sure your screen is locked when not in use, you can purchase all privacy screens from PB tech, As tempting as it is to leave your devices unattended while you pop to the loo, it’s safer to take them with you.
Keep all your gadgets like chargers, power cords and adapters together in a small plastic zip bag, making it easy to find things and quicker to put through airport security!
Lastly, don’t forget to register on the Safe Travel website.
Organising yourself before you travel makes for a smoother and safer travelling experience.